Monday, June 22, 2015

Day 16 - Filming Flat Stanley, Lesson Plan work

Day 16

It was Monday. What can I say?  Dr. Beriswell helped us finish our digital movies. We also finished and printed our letters requesting that a school district implement a BYOD policy.

Nancy and I collaborated on a script for Flat Stanley (Esteban el Plano).  We took him to various locations on campus and filmed him, pretending to ask Spanish questions about why he was there. For example - 'Why are you here ?'  (at the library) Then, we answered the question for him - 'You wanted to use the dictionary?'  After each segment, Esteban disappeared. I had to track him using the GPS on my phone. He went to the library, the stadium, the store (Barnes and Noble), the restaurant (Subway) and the post office.  We actually left him in Barnes and Noble and I had to run back to get him so... the part about 'Where is Esteban?' came true.

It took our whole lunch to film, buy lunch and return to the computer lab.

After lunch, we worked on our lesson plans. We included the strands and objectives for our subject, CCR (College and Career Readiness) and ITSE (Technology).  We will need to create or collect all our handouts, etc. in the next two days!  Wish me luck!  I need turbo-power:)

Hasta mañana.

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