Saturday, February 6, 2016

GAETI final day

Sadly, this is our last day of GAETI. We have shared so much as we have been immersed in technology. We have a bond because of what we have learned together, as well as the amount of time we've spent in the comfy chairs and computer labs in the IT building.
This morning we shared how our school years are going and how we are using technology. Some sites and applications I want to investigate are:  mobimax, littlealchemy (combine elements), (question bank), and (like Remind).
The ladies from IHL brought us a 3-question post-study evaluation. In reflection - this TQI (Teacher Quality Institute) has empowered me to use technology in my classroom.
Next, we had training in using Promethean boards. There is so much one is able to do if I can only remember it when I return to the classroom. I need to use Flip charts to make some selection games. I may try to do that tomorrow!
After lunch we got ideas for creating our own small business. We went to the lab to learn to use Canva, a web-based publisher.  I took notes and saved them in my Google drive so I can remember how to 'visualize' my brand.

Thanks to every participant and instructor in this institute I have a much better grasp on technology. Special thanks to Dr. Bracey for her kind patience and well-planned instruction. She is my new hero (heroine)!